Workman Arts offers high-calibre art courses in Media Arts, Literary Arts, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts delivered by Workman Arts members and other working arts professionals. Our programs support artists to reach their creative and professional goals through art training, professional development, and presentation opportunities and by providing support through peer-to-peer interaction and community. All courses are free to members.
This term classes will be held both remotely and in person. Please carefully read each course description to check if a class will be online, at WA’s offsite studio at 32 Lisgar, unit #9.
Registration will open on March 26th at 12PM and will close on April 7th at 5PM.
*Please note that registering for a course does not guarantee enrolment in the course. Some classes (especially in-person classes) have a limited number of spots and not all those who register will be guaranteed a spot. For classes with a wait list, participants are chosen through a lottery system and not through first come, first serve. You will receive a confirmation email directly from the Education Coordinator, Teyama, indicating whether you have been enrolled in the course or placed on a wait list.