Workman Arts (WA) is a shared experience for everyone to enjoy. Members, instructors, volunteers and staff are expected to treat one another with respect, fairness, dignity and professionalism.
WA members respect each other as artists and as individuals. Members involved in programming are required to arrive on time and follow all guidelines laid out by each facilitator.
WA is committed to providing a space that is psychologically and physically safe. In addition to following all guidelines set out by WA, members, instructors and staff are asked to go beyond what is required by law and behave in a way that helps to create a place where people feel comfortable and safe.
Unwillingness to follow the Code of Conduct may result in suspension or termination of membership. By participating in our programs, it is understood that you will abide by these policies.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
In keeping with the Ontario Human Rights Code, WA prohibits discrimination or harassment and protects the right to be free from hate activity based on age, race, citizenship, religion, disability, physiological history or current experience or diagnosis, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnic origin, family status, level of literacy, financial status, receipt of public assistance, record of offences, marital status, membership in a union or staff association, political affiliation, or any other personal characteristic.
Anti-Violence Policy
The following activities will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate minimum 3 month suspension of membership. Know that violence is defined by the actions taken and the impact on the affected person.
- harassment and sexual harassment
- physical violence
- verbal abuse which is deemed to be aggressive, intimidating, or having the objective of inciting violence
- damaging another artist’s work or personal property
- theft of personal property
- physical vandalism to the building or equipment
- refusal to exit the building as a means of disrupting activity or continuing to intimidate others
- any overt activity aimed at intimidating and which can be seen as promoting or escalating potential situations
Further measures to protect the safety of the WA community from the threat of violence will be taken if required and emergency services may be called.
Substance Use
Workman Arts prohibits substance use on its premises or events outside of alcohol during licensed events. Individuals who are caught using or under the influence of substances will be asked to remove themselves from the premises or event.
Commitment and Attendance
We understand that changes in schedule can occur but regular attendance ensures a quality experience for all. The level of commitment required for completion of a program will vary from program to program. Everyone who participates in programs at WA is expected to be professional and respectful of the guidelines set forth and communicate with instructors and staff if issues concerning commitment or attendance arise.
Once members are accepted into a program, it is understood that they will attend on time and stay for the full duration. Continued lateness or leaving early can be disruptive and disrespectful.
Conflict Resolution Policy & Strategies
‘Conflict Resolution’ refers to interpersonal conflicts, as well as individual incidents, that could potentially occur between WA members, staff, instructors, volunteers or anyone else attending WA programs or activities. Resolving issues productively is important to us at WA and depending on the nature of the incident, the following protocol should be used to assist in finding solutions:
First Incident – informal conversation attempting to address the issue as soon as it arises
Second Incident – explanation of issue to WA staff and second conversation to address the issue (with staff)
Third Incident – formal address to WA Managing or Executive Director and subsequent meeting
Fourth Incident – communicate conditions of continued participation and establish period of probation or withdrawal from program(s) or membership
The full Workman Arts Conflict and Harassment Policy and Procedures document can be downloaded by clicking here. This Conflict and Harassment Policy and Procedure document provides guidelines on types of conflict and harassment and the procedures for addressing such concerns and complaints.
Violent Incidents – will result in an immediate minimum 3 month suspension of membership and could result in permanent termination of membership.
Substance Use – individual will be required to leave WA premises or event and will be required to meet with WA Manager.
Conflicts External to Workman Arts
WA members may encounter one another outside of Workman Arts, in external arts projects or in the community at large, and it is possible for conflicts to arise in these situations. WA cannot become involved in resolving issues between members that take place outside of WA spaces and programs. Members are expected to respect the role of the organization and treat other WA members professionally and with respect.
Reporting Incidents
Should an instructor or artist witness or experience anything in violation of this code of conduct, please report it verbally or in writing to an appropriate staff member as soon as possible. All reports will be completely confidential and anonymous.
Together, WA staff, member artists and instructors must ensure that our professional, creative environment is psychologically and physically safe for all participants. Should any situation require it, authorities and/or emergency personnel may be called.
REMINDER: We are a fragrance free space (please do not wear perfume or scented products).