Processing Duration is an anthology of recent short films by Workman Arts member artists that contemplate subjects of service, restriction, healing and embodied time. Through movement, ritual,
montage and song, these short films highlight nuance and storytelling. Ice On The Window Like A
Thousand Small Bees, Troubled Amplitude and Ice Into Fire experiment with urban and natural environments as a way to work through layered feelings. Looking inwards, the films Therapy Fragments Body Language, Fuck, Romberg’s Sign and The Space Without use self-documentation to explore vulnerability, growth, and resilience. While, the films Disability Video, The Beats, and Melody prove
the power of nature, music and narrative.
BODY LANGUAGE (Tara Clews | 2019 | 2 min)
DISABILITY VIDEO (Sirene Koser Qureshi | 2021 | 2 min)
FUCK (Emily Schooley | 2021 | 3 min)
ICE INTO FIRE (Anja Sagan | 2020 | 12 min)
ICE ON THE WINDOW LIKE A THOUSAND SMALL BEES (Catherine Jones | 2020 | 3 min)
MELODY (John Perera | 2021 | 3 min)
ROMBERG’S SIGN (Laura Shintani | 2021 | 2 min)
THE BEAST (Amy Ness | 2021 | 10 min)
THERAPY FRAGMENTS (Blanca Lopez | 2021 | 13 min)
THE SPACE WITHOUT (Emily Sweet | 2019 | 3 min)
TROUBLED AMPLITUDE (Jan Swinburne | 2018 | 9 min)
Keywords: Artists | Experimentation | Healing | Music | Resilience