Ahmad Bahrami / 2020 / Farsi with English subtitles / Iran / 103 min / Toronto Premiere

دشت خاموش
كارگردان: احمد بهرامي
ايران – ٢٠٢٠
نمايش حضوري ، براي اولين بار در تورنتو – ١٠٣ دقيقه
زيرنويس انگليسي
يكشنبه، ٧ نوامبر ، ساعت ٦ تا ٩ شب
پاسخ و پرسش پس از مشاهده فيلم

در يك كوره (كارخانه) آجرپزي دورافتاده، آجرها بصورت بسيار ابتدايی و سنتى تهيه ميشوند. خانواده هاى متعددى از اقليت هاي مختلف قومي
در اين كارخانه مشغول به کار هستند. به نظر ميرسد كه صاحب كارخانه گشاينده مشکالت اعضاى اين خانواده ها نيز ميباشد. لطف هللا چهل ساله،
كه در همين محوطه بدنيا آمده مسئوليت كارخانه را بعهده دارد و رابط بين كارگران و صاحب كارخانه نيز هست. همزمان با قطعي شدن تعطيل
كارخانه روابط بين لطف هللا، كارگران و صاحب كار نيز روز به روز پيچيده تر ميشود . او دائما مجبور است كه باالنسى بين نيازهاى شخصى
خود، ساير كارگران و احساسات عاشقانه موجود در ميان آنها بوجود آورد. اين دومين فيلم احمد بهرامى ، با ويژگيهاى فيلمبرداری سياه و سفيد
نگاهى موشكافانه به جزئيات زندگي حاشيه نشينان جامعه ايران دارد که در چرخه ای از تکرار کار بيهوده در کارخانه به تصوير کشيده ميشوند.
“پدر من كارگر يك كارخانه صنعتى بود كه پس از سى سال كار بسيار سخت باز نشسته شد. به پدرم افتخار ميكنم و پس از آنكه حرفه فيلمسازي
را آموختم هميشه ميخواستم كه فيلمى در مورد او و زحمات شرافتمندانه اش تهيه كنم. فيلم دشت خاموش قدرداني از پدرم و همه كارگران زحمتكش
در دنياست كه بدون زحمات إنها پيشرفت تمدن جهاني تا به اين ميزان ميسر نمى شد.” (احمد بهرامى.)
پذيرايي و برنامه پيش از اكران توسط سازمان I2CRC تهيه شده است.
بليط: ٢٠ دالر (شامل غذا، برنامه هنري، بازديد از نمايشگاه، فيلم و گفتگو با پنل متخصصين)
تماس براى تهيه بليط و كسب ساير اطالعات:
416-388-9314 Info@i2crc.org
به گفتگو بپيونديد- پنل متخصصين
پس از اكران فيلم دشت خاموش كه به چندگانگي ارتباطات بين حرفه، طبقه اجتماعي و سالمت مي پردازد، I2CRC از شما دعوت ميكند كه به
بررسي فيلم ، گفتگو و پرسش و پاسخ توسط متخصصين بپيونديد .
اين بخش به زبانهاي فارسي، انگليسي، ASL و زيرنويس ارائه ميشود.







A remote brick manufacturing factory produces bricks in an ancient way. Many families with different
ethnicities work in the factory and the boss seems to hold the key to solving their problems. Forty-
year-old Lotfollah, who was born on-site, is the factory supervisor and acts as middleman for the
workers and the boss which is increasingly complicated once the factory is confirmed to close. Lotfollah must balance his personal needs with those of his coworkers and romantic interests. Ahmad Bahrami’s second film, shot with resonant black & white photography is an incisive look at life on the outskirts of Iranian society hidden within a creative piece of storytelling that mimics the tediousness of factory work.

“My father was a worker in an industrial factory and he retired after thirty years of hard work. I am proud
of him and since I learned filmmaking, I have always wanted to make a film about him and his honorable
efforts. My film Dashte Khamoush is a tribute to my father and all hardworking workers around the globe; without their efforts human civilization would not have achieved this level of progress.”
– Ahmad Bahrami


Following the screening of Dashte Khamoush / The Wasteland, join Intercultural Iranian Canadian
Resource Centre for a panel discussion about the film and the intersections of labour, class and
health. Translated between Farsi and English with ASL interpretation and captioning available.


Keywords: Anxiety | Class | Freedom | Labour

Sun, Nov 7, 7 PM

Sun, Nov 7, 6-8 PM ET
available in Ontario only

Hosted by Intercultural Iranian Canadian Resource Centre.
To reserve your
$20 tickets (includes food, art, socializing & film) please contact I2CRC at 416-388-9314 or info@i2crc.org

Sun, Nov 7, 8 PM ET


Open Captions and ASL

Intercultural Iranian Canadian Resource Centre



Oct 29 – Nov 7 available across Canada


Ousmane Samassékou / 2021 / Bambara, Moore, French and English, with English subtitles / Mali, France, South Africa / 85 mins

The Malian city of Gao in western Africa has for decades been a peaceful haven for hopeful migrants.
On the edge of the Sahel desert lies the House of Migrants, a temporary home for thousands of people every year. The hopeful ones are on their  way to Europe alongside those whose luck ran out and who are now on their way back to their hometowns and families across Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin and beyond.
Documentarian Samassékou listens to two young girls and a middle-aged woman lying in a small room and exchanging dreams and stories. Elsewhere in the house, young men are watching wrestling on TV. Samassékou’s attentive camera frames the faces, the voices and their stories in a uniquely beautiful and humane film no longer solely about having a home. The atmosphere in the house itself expresses the melancholy of exile through calm, intimate and vulnerable images. All around the city, new and old wars are taking place in the endless desert.


Stephanie Nakashima and Scott Morris | 2021 | Canada | 11 min | English
In this brand new diaristic documentary we follow individuals who are experiencing homelessness in
Hamilton, Ontario and learn their experiences with systemic barriers to housing and health care in the
midst of a global pandemic.


Keywords: Freedom | Im/migration | Refugees | Trauma
Reelworld Film Festival
North-Am Education and Immigration

48 Years - Silent Dictator

48 Years - Silent Dictator

  • でのの上映はオンラインでワールドワイドとなっています。世界各国どこでも見れます。 スケジュール (カナダEDT時間) 上映 - Fri, Oct 16, 8:30pm から Sun, Oct 18, 8:30pm
  • Available to stream online: Fri, Oct 16, 8:30pm to Sun, Oct 18, 8:30pm
  • Virtual Q&A: Sun, Oct 18, 8:30pm

Streaming of this film and virtual panel is available to viewers worldwide.

Hiroshi Sunairi / 2018 / Japanese with English subtitles / Japan/USA / 76 min / North American Premiere

砂井宏 / 2018 / 英語字幕付き日本語 / 日本/アメリカ / 76分 / 北米初演






Iwao Hakamada, a former professional boxer was sentenced to death in 1968 for mass murder and held on death row for 48 years, the longest solitary confinement in history. In 2014, Hakamada was granted immediate release after Shizuoka district court found that the evidence against him had been fabricated. One year later, now 79 years old, Mr. Hakamada suffers from prison psychosis. While adjusting to his newfound freedoms, he navigates a labyrinth of delusions within his life’s predicaments. This phenomenal documentary is a sensitive and intimate portrait with a dazzling score by Arto Lindsay (DNA, The Lounge Lizards, Ambitious Lovers) capturing Hakamada’s victorious will against the immeasurable consequences of spending nearly half a century in complete solitude.

Screening with

Sohrab Hura | 2019 | India | English | 13 mins

In this experimental and visually enriching audio-visual essay, photographer Soharb Hura documents his intimate family life, his mother, who was diagnosed with acute paranoid schizophrenia, and her dog, Elsa. Over ten years, a project that began as a coping mechanism reveals the banalities of everyday home life.


ASL Interpreted, Open Captions, Active Listener

An Active Listener will be available Sun, Oct 18 from 8:30-10:30pm to support this program.
Your active listener for this program is Kat.
You can connect with Kat by phone (talk or text) at (647) 474-2338 or by email at katrissing@gmail.com.


JOIN THE CONVERSATION: Q&A with Hiroshi Sunairi

Following the screening of 48 Years – Silent Dictator, join filmmaker Hiroshi Sunairi and James Ruston from Toronto Prisoners’ Rights Project for a virtual Q&A to discuss director’s experience documenting the life of Iwao Hakamada and the impact of the prison system on one’s mental health.The discussion will be moderated by Amina Mohamed, a representative from Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network.