Mental Health Film Series - Les mondes de Vincent (The Worlds of Vincent)

Mental Health Film Series - Les mondes de Vincent (The Worlds of Vincent)

D: Rozenn Potin / 2015 / French with English subtitles / RATING: 14A / Canada / 80 min / FREE




In the lead-up to the annual Bell Let’s Talk Day on January 28, we’re showcasing free docs-and-conversations about mental health and mental illness in partnership with Bell Let’s Talk and Hot Docs.

Films will be available to stream from January 4-28 and culminate in a live virtual panel discussion with special guests on January 28. Tickets for all films and the panel discussion are free, and can be booked through the Hot Docs Box Office.

This intimate documentary immerses you in the real and imagined worlds of Vincent, who, for 16 years now, has been living with schizophrenia. Vincent’s sister, filmmaker Rozenn Potin, follows her charismatic and endearing sibling—now 36—from his carefree childhood to his more complex present, brilliantly capturing the before and after of the illness of a loved one. Filled with beautiful archival images, The Worlds of Vincent is a personal journey into the still-mysterious world of schizophrenia and heart-wrenching story of love, family and mental illness.

In French with English subtitles

Ce documentaire intimiste vous plonge dans le monde réel et virtuel de Vincent, schizophrène depuis 16 ans. La sœur de Vincent, la réalisatrice Rozenn Potin, suit son frère charismatique et attachant — maintenant âgé de 36 ans — de son enfance insouciante à son présent plus complexe, présentant avec brio la vie avant et après la maladie d’un être cher. Ponctué de belles images d’archives, Les mondes de Vincent est un voyage personnel dans l’univers encore mystérieux de la schizophrénie et une histoire émouvante d’amour, de famille et de questionnement sur la maladie mentale.

En français avec sous-titres en anglais

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