
An Exhibition by Helen Kong

“After a stressful residential move during the pandemic in 2021, where I lost my home of 10+ years and needed to rehome beloved pets, packed my life rapidly into storage, and found myself transitioning in between spaces that feel yet to be a home. ``ReHoming`` is a project that invites people to join in my journey of revisiting the past wounds, memories, and old dreams through sorting out my storage of belongings. I hold on to these items that seem dear to me, but can no longer keep them. As part of my practice of letting go of the material things along with the sentiments that no longer serve me, I will be finding new homes for objects so they can have a new life."

– Helen Kong, 2024/25 Artist in Residence with Workman Arts & Tangled Art + Disability

Moon Ying Helen Kong

This two-part installation will be a live exhibition where the artist will update the contents weekly during the exhibition period.

Part One: Rehoming Objects of Significance – These objects will be catalogued with their stories and dreams of future homes. They are available for people to bring home and revive them again.

Part Two: Rehoming Journal – A visual arts journal where Helen will create small entries to process the emotions throughout this journey (from small paintings/drawings, to weaving samples, to vessels) to rehome and process their overwhelming feelings, as they go through this necessary process of letting go and finding homes for objects that are sentimental, yet currently lifeless.

All the items will be documented in an Instagram account where people can read and listen to stories, details, and/or the history of each piece. DM on the account for inquiries and to request adopting items.

Helen Kong is a second generation Chinese Canadian living and working in Tkaronto (Toronto). She studied her first ritualized tea while living in Japan. Chado (the Way of Tea) is a meditative life journey through tea and hospitality. It is the gateway into art, culture, and philosophy. After returning to Canada, she studied ceramics as a way to better understand tea vessels. She established Secret Teatime, a clay studio where people play with clay and sip tea. She has expanded from making tea wares for Japanese teas to also studying and making wares for her own heritage of Chinese tea.

The Artist in Residence program is part of Workman Arts’ Rendezvous with Madness Festival and is in collaboration with Tangled Art + Disability. By providing time and resources, we believe this can support the development of a body of work to become exhibition ready for a solo show at the Tangled Art + Disability gallery vitrine space in the Spring. We offer this opportunity to a Workman Arts member who has not or has minimally exhibited their artwork, and would benefit from a solo exhibition. 

Helen Kong is our Artist in Residence for the 2024/25 year. 

FEB 14 - APR 11, 2025

Opening Reception: February 14, 6-8 PM 
Closing public event: April 4, 2025 (time TBD) 
Location: Tangled Art + Disability (Vitrines)
401 Richmond St W Suite 124, Toronto ON M5V 3A8


Special thanks to our collaborators and funders on the Artist in Residence program.

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